Friday, August 31, 2007

My superman

When did Max get so big? He just looks so self-assured. Now that he is officially "potty-trained" it seems like he's a million times older. At least 4 1/2.

Yesterday, BZ went shopping and bought a pack of pull-ups for Max. I get to bring them back to the store. We really don't need them.

I know that most kids have been trained on this or learned by themselves by age 3 or 2 or in-utero, but this is still a great and proud moment. Last night, he slept in big boy Superman underwear ( and a superman cape and superman pajamas). Its a milestone. One less kid in diapers-WOW!!!

Its true what THEY say. When they are ready, they are ready and minor bribery is not so bad. Someone promised me that Max would not go to high school in diapers. Luckily, they were right.

Aiden is learning as well. He poops quietly in his diaper, then runs to sit on the potty fully clothed, and then, celebrates with hand clapping. Its a start, even if confusing.
Time to bring out the poop books again.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness! It must be truly liberating _ for you and Max!
