Monday, August 20, 2007

knitting more

OK. So I have already admitted to knitting. But now I must admit that it is taking over my brain. I am obsessed. I have already gone into my local knit shop three or four times, found a knitting store in San Mateo when I ran into a glitch while on the road for work, found at least ten knit websites and even more blogs and podcasts...where does it end?

This is my very first piece of knitting. Ever. Not hard to believe perhaps but there it is. It started as a scarf but then it started to "increase" as in double in width without my even noticing. This was pointed out by the woman at the shop in San Mateo. She said I should just start over. In addition to looking wonky in shape, there are quite a few holes as well. Max has claimed this little treasure as his new scarf-to-be. We've decided to forge ahead, "decreasing" down to the right width, adding little trinkets on top of the holes as decorations. It will be a "love scarf." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

So, as I was creating this monster scarf, I fell in love with a beautiful wool at the Knitting Basket. The woman at that shop politely pointed out that it wasn't practical to get white if it was going to be around a child or children. Good point, so I bought this great teal color in bulk. She convinced me that it would make a great baby blanket and showed me a beginner pattern that seemed very straight forward.

The picture above is the beginning of the blanket. It looks a bit like your Aunt Matilda's afghan or pot holder, doesn't it? My first knitting lesson: Just 'cause the wool is beautiful, doesn't mean it will look good all knitted up. So this yarn is at a bit of a stand still. I still love the color and the IDEA of it kind of looks like the knitting that makes most people hate knitted things.

So I went back to the sale (30% off) at the Knitting Basket and bought some more yarn. I could be swimming but at least I'm not getting wet.


  1. I envy your knitting skills. BTW, I am so enjoying your blog. It's very good! I especially liked the visual guide to tikka masala. Glad you are well, Margaret. -Julia
