When the day began, I told Max that this was the day that we vote for Barack Obama and decide who will be president. Driving him to school, we hit lots of local traffic, mostly those going to local polling places. Right before we got to the school, there was a minor car accident in front of me. The guilty driver zoomed off without taking responsibility. I shared my dismay with Max who asked, "Is that guy voting for McCain?" I think I have taken my brainwashing too far.
I spent most of the day at the Oakland Convention Center as a Phone Bank Captain. It was fun and exciting. There were so many volunteers streaming through all day and into the early evening.
BZ joined me for the celebration. Really amazing. And driving home, drivers were honking like after a Superbowl game. I never had done that before. I highly recommend it. Its awesome to just sit on the horn like that and have people respond in kind.
Excessive horn use is illegal. I know. The one time I did it, I got pulled over.