Friday, March 27, 2009

You look exactly like...

A few days ago, I was working at a dealership, like I do, and the owner kept pointing at me and laughing and saying, "Man, you look exactly like my buddy's wife, Susan!" In fact, he dragged me out to the shiny new Corvette on the showroom floor, stuffed me in it, asked me to smile, took a picture. He then sent this to his "buddy" with a note saying, "Susan just bought a new car!" Hahaha.

OK. That happens. Not the Corvette part, but, the lookalike part. Everyone is always saying I look like someone else. The following are some famous you-look-likes that I have been compared to. Now, let me warn you, none of them look alike. So, you tell me, does any of this make any sense?

#1 Sally Field, I was told we have the same mouth. You really like me!

#2 Catherine Deneuve, very flattering indeed but I don't really see it.

#3 Candice Bergen, we both have pointy Bob Hope noses.

#4 Chelsea Handler (of Chelsea Lately). I had never heard of her or her show. But, I am told she is sarcastic and on watching a Youtube of her in action, I can kinda see it in a blond sort of way.

#5 Amanda Peet. This must be the dark hair thing. I got this comparison from someone who was a bit....yucky. She is pretty, tho' so it is a compliment, even from a lech....nah, still feels creepy.

Oddly, I'm compared to three blonds and two brunettes. Hmmm, meaning? Any?


  1. I must agree with Christine. The resemblance never once occurred to me, but, admittedly, upon arriving at your blog this morning, I saw her face and thought it was you!

  2. Huh!

    Do you know what colour your hair is?

  3. Ok - I CAN see a resemblance in many of them. Crazy I know. The only comparison I ever got was Elle McPherson and we all know THAT is way off.

  4. I haven't seen you in person for over 25 years. From memory, the closest resemblance I can come up with is this one:

  5. That is so funny. And for 25 years ago, very accurate. Now its probably closer to Gilda Radner.
