Running with Kim along the Embarcadero was beautiful. Perfect weather, loads of time to share and catch up on things, big and little things...Kim is really like family and its great to be reminded of that.
Monday, I flew to Chicago for work. I made plans to meet up with my mom's cousin, Peg. We got to walk along the lake and catch up...
I also got to meet her husband, and her two kids Louisa and Luke, and Luke's wife and baby. We got to talk about family history, we each have different stories and history...some of it overlaps but not much. It was wonderful to find out that there are more activists in the family. Great to know that civil rights and activism are in the genes.
I knew that my grandfather fought for civil rights, went to jail for not naming names...but I didn't know that my Great Uncle marched on Washington in the early 70's and was a lifelong progressive. Peg went on marches and rallies with her that.
I also found out I have several more relatives that live in Berkeley, barely 15 minutes away. My family just grew larger. In a good way.
Family is a great thing - whether they're related by blood or not :)