A college friendI was on a work trip and got to see a close friend for a very brief visit. We went to NYU together. I think we may go back 23 years. That's really crazy. We've had ups and downs, have lived far away for years, don't communicate often but...the connection just runs deep. When I first saw her Thursday night (around 11:30pm-ish) I felt such a surge of emotion. We didn't have much time for a visit (half a day) but we got to share ourselves. I found myself talking faster and faster as our time got shorter and shorter. We both cried as she dropped one of her boys off for Kindergarten. One of the teachers came out to assure me that they would be OK. I was embarrassed for being so emotional but stayed emotional the entire visit. It was a great visit. Hopefully it won't be two more years before our next get together.
A roommate
I got back late on Friday night, She was already gone. In fact, by Saturday morning she already had a blog update on her arrival in London. I think she starts training for her Iraq assignment this week. I feel myself trying to detach from the danger of it and just consider it a long distance assignment. We were roommates for how many years? 5? I can't remember but we have known each other for 9, 10 or 11 years. Shit, how is that possible? We've gone through a lot as well. Living spaces, cats, dogs and men. Oh, and cheese. I am trying to set aside my feelings at the moment because I keep finding myself with "fear" as the overarching element. Perhaps she'd like a scarf on her return? But what color? This might help me focus on the positive, on the future, on a safe return.
A NeighborWe met through a neighbor who insisted we meet. She said, you guys have to meet these other neighbors-they are just like you! We immediately hit it off. Most of what we had in common was our boys. Then we both got pregnant again and we did that together too. So it could have been just a friendship of convenience but it turns out that this relatively new friendship is beginning to show deeper roots. We've moved and friendship has become inconvenient and yet, it is such a pleasure each time we connect. We remind each other that there is humor in the stress and craziness that seems to overwhelm and stun us. There is beauty in the chaos and there is sanity in how we feel, however crazy...we are not alone. And although she is my "Christian" friend, and I suppose, I am her "semi-Jewish" friend, our beliefs and values are mighty similar.
A Playdate The newest chapter. As a working mother of two, my ability to socialize is severely limited, especially with those more than 5 miles away. One of those very "mom" type social events is the playdate. They can be horribly boring or surprisingly fun. One of the more recent ones, 2 months ago-ish...probably longer, was one of the good ones. Not only did the boys get along, I got along with the other mom. We don't really have tons in common but for some reason its hard to get either of us to stop talking. There seems to be so much to say and share. We are now a regular fixture in each others life and even though the boys now fight like brothers, we, the moms, find ways to placate them long enough (ice cream , videos) to enjoy our grown up visit. Its a great feeling having a new friend. It doesn't take the place of the others, its just cool to have that NEW feeling of sharing and finding common ground and learning a new person's deal. And, of course, having a local friend is a great thing.